Professional Digital Business Card

Share contact information , all links or even videos with a touch 📷 in a new, fast and sustainable way 🚀

Buy Qcard

You can count on us

The smartest business card for companies and entrepreneurs

🔓 No app needed

🌐 Loads quickly in any browser

🎨 Fully customizable and digital

📲 One profile. Endless possibilities

🌳 Friendly to the environment

Buy Qcard

Start by choosing the base material 🔽

Create your profile

Your most important digital profile. Beautifully crafted. Setup in seconds. Ideal for events. You can update and edit your ko endlessly

Buy Qcard

Frequently Asked Questions

Proč přeskočit na Qcard?

Proč jít s vaší vizitkou digitálně?

Digitální vizitka slouží ke stejnému účelu jako tradiční papírová vizitka, ale v digitálním formátu. Pomáhá vám sdílet vaše kontaktní informace chladným a moderním způsobem s využitím technologie namísto staromódních papírových karet. Kartu můžete sdílet jednoduchým klepnutím, takže se nemusíte bát, že vám dojdou fyzické karty. Navíc je to ekologické, protože snižuje plýtvání papírem.

S Tapt můžete na lidi udělat úžasný dojem, aniž byste se museli obtěžovat s hromadami starých papírových obchodů

How to order a business card?

Choose Material. Insert Name, Logo or design. Pay Qcard through our website. We will send the Qcard to your address. When the Qcard arrives and you or your colleague unwraps it, it will Register using the QR code.

What can I share on my business card?

You can share anything that fits in a link via Qcard!

- All social networks.

- All music platforms.

- Embedded videos and photos

- Personal contacts such as: Address, Own website, Telephone, Contact card.

- Folders that can be downloaded (PDF)

How will my business card be displayed to others?

You can read the business card by touching the phone via NFC or by reading it via a QR code or by sharing the line itself.

The business card will then open as an internet bookmark in your browser under the url

Can I buy someone else's business card?

Yes, simply choose the material, insert the logo and surprise your friend.

You can add your logo and name or the entire Design to the PVC Qcard business card (printing method - digital printing)

You can add your own name and logo to the Bamboo Qcard business card. (printing method - engraving)

You can add your own name and logo to the Metal Qcard business card. (printing method - engraving)

Suitable for medium and large enterprises

We will design your company card and onboard your internal and external team.

Contact the Qcard Team


Štíhlý profil

Qcard v podobě malého 3D Qtagu. Skvěle se hodí na pouzdro na telefon nebo peněženku.

Koupit Qtag

Plant a tree with Qcard

It is widely recognized that one of the best ways to tackle the climate crisis and prevent our temperatures from rising above 1.5C is to plant trees.

It is crucial to protect the environment.

Every time we sell a Qcard product, we plant a tree. Our partner provides a fantastic vehicle for channeling funds to climate solutions around the world.

plant a tree

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Tag us with your business card on Instagram stories